Term Project


You should write a research proposal on any topic related with psychology, but the research proposal must be for an experimental study which includes at least one within-subject variable and two between-subjects variables.

Your research proposal should include

  • an informative title  
  • names of your group members ( a group can consist of 2 or 3 members)
  • abstract (1 points) that is not longer than 150 words. The abstract should cover the general context of the topic, the research problem,  sampling technique used , and the design of the study
  • introduction (2 points) section that is not longer than 2 paragraphs. The introduction section should include the general context of the topic, the statement of the problem, a brief summary of literature review, the purpose of the study, and the significance of the study
  • population and sampling (3 points). Describe your population, sample size, and the sampling technique that you will use. Add an appendix that is showing which participants will be included in the sample from the population when the sampling technique is applied. This appendix may include screenshot(s) from http://www.randomizer.org . (How to copy the image of the active window is described in http://agsci.psu.edu/it/how-to/create-and-insert-screen-shot-into-word-or-powerpoint )
  • design of your study (2 points).  Describe your independent and dependent variables, levels of your independent variables. Indicate whether your study will have a control condition, pre-test, etc. Describe how you will control threats to internal validity in a new appendix.
  • procedure of your study (3 points). Describe how you will collect the data and what will happen in the study with their order. Also indicate the control techniques in your experimental research that are described in Chapter 7 of your book. You should have a separate appendix for
    • i) random assignment to your between-subjects variable. This appendix must include screenshot(s) from http://www.randomizer.org showing which participants are assigned to each level of between-subjects variable.
    • ii) counterbalancing. Indicate which counterbalancing procedure will be applied, and write all counterbalancing sequences for the within-subjects variable in a new appendix
  • materials (1 points). Describe the materials (post-tests, pretests, etc.) that will be used in the experiment.
  • references (1 points).

Do not forget to use APA Style (Sixth Edition) in your research proposal (2 points).


Due date and time: December 15, 2017 at 17:00.

Late submission: You will lose 25% of your points for every late day.

Note: You should bring a printed copy of your research proposal to my office. E-mails will not be accepted.